header image of Kubu Island

CAR and its staff produce a wide range of publications, including consultancy reports, articles, book chapters and policy briefs. These publications are listed below.

Publications have been listed per year below, click on the years to view the publications.

2002 National Conservation Strategy Agency, Ramboll, IUCN and CAR.

2002 Centre for Applied Research. Final Report: Environmental Impact Assessment of the Maitengwe Wellfield development and Resource Management Project. Report prepared for Water Surveys Botswana and Department of Water Affairs.

2002 Centre for Applied Research. Review of Four Agricultural Subsidy Schemes (volume 1-3). Reports prepared for the Ministry of Agriculture (volume 1-3), Gaborone.

2001 BIDPA. Review of Botswana’s Rural Development Policy. Report prepared for the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning.

2000 J.W. Arntzen. Promoting of a Sustainable Water Supply in Botswana. In: Rietbergen-McCRacken and H.Abaza, Economic Instruments for Environmental Management (pp.39-45). Earthscan/UNEP, London.

2000 J.W. Arntzen. Wildlife User Rights in Zimbabwe. In: Rietbergen-McCRacken and H.Abaza, Economic Instruments for Environmental Management (pp.46-53). Earthscan/UNEP, London.

2000 J.W. Arntzen. and N.H.Fidzani. Human and Solid Waste Management in Urban Africa. In: Rietbergen-McCRacken and H.Abaza, 2000. Economic Instruments for Environmental Management (pp.54-64). Earthscan/UNEP, London.

2000 M. Goldblatt, J. Ndamba, B van der Merwe, F. Gomes, B. Haasbroek and J.W. Arntzen. Water Demand Management: Towards Developing Effective Strategies for Southern Africa. IUCN-SIDA-IDRC. Harare.

2000 J.W. Arntzen. Sustainable Development and the Environment: the Role of Environmental Economics in Development Planning. Paper presented at the MFDP/EPP Workshop on Environmental Economics and Planning Handbooks. Gaborone.

2000 J.W. Arntzen, S. Masike and D.L. Kgathi. Water Values, Prices and Water Management in Botswana. Paper presented at the Waternet Workshop on Integrated and Sustainable Water management, Maputo, Mozambique.

2000 J.W. Arntzen. The Impacts of Economic Instruments on the Southern African Environment. Paper presented at the Regional Science Association International Symposium, Port Elizabeth, South Africa.

2005 Centre for Applied Research. Botswana Country Water Report. Prepared for UN-ECA.

2005 Centre for Applied Research. Project Memorandum on the Preparation of an Integrated Management Plan for the makgadikgadi Wetlands. Prepared for the department of Environmental Affairs.

2005 Ecosurv (with inputs from CAR). Economic assessment of the risks if wildlife movement in Botswana. Prepared for the Botswana Wildlife Producers Organisation.

2005 Centre for Applied Research, 2005 Natural resource conservation and use and livelihoods in the Okavango delta. Report for the preparation of a GEF Okavango delta biodiversity project. Harry Oppenheimer Okavango Research Centre, University of Botswana.

2004 J.W. Arntzen, O. Thsosa and T. Kaisara. Review of institutional and legal arrangements for community-based management of rangelands in Botswana. Centre for Applied Research. Report prepared for the Indigenous Vegetation Project, MoA and UNDP.

2004 J.W. Arntzen, L. Forster and T. Gumbo. Training Manual for water demand management in municipal water supply agencies in southern Africa. TIDASA/ CAR prepared for IUCN-South Africa office.

2004 J.W. Arntzen, O. Chapayama, G. Mc.Culloch, N. Moleele, K. Molokomme, E. Selaolo. Final Report of the Project Formulation Mission for the Makgadikgadi Wetland Integrated Management Plan. Report for the NCSA-Government of Botswana and IUCN-ROSA.

2003 J.W. Arntzen, D.K. Molokomme, E.M. Terry, N. Moleele, O. Tshosa and D. Mazambani. Main Findings of the Review of Community-Based Natural Resource Management in Botswana. CBNRM Support Network Occasional Papers No. 14, Gaborone (Free download: www.cbnrm.bw).

2003 J.W. Arntzen, D.K. Molokomme, E. Terry, N. Moleele, O. Tshosa and D. Mazambani. Review of Botswana’s CBNRM projects: Final Report (volume 1 and 2). CAR Report prepared for the National CBNRM Forum.

2003 J.W. Arntzen, R.Hassan and G.M.Lange. Groundwater and Water Accounting in Southern Africa within the Perspective of Global Climate Change. CAR Report prepared for START, Washington D.C.

2003 J.W. Arntzen. Incentives for biodiversity utilisation and conservation. Appendix of the stock taking report for Botswana’s Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan.

2003 J.W. Arntzen. Incorporation of Water Demand Management in National and Region Water Policies and Strategies. IUCN South Africa. Water Demand Management Project Phase 2. Centre for Applied Research and IUCN-South Africa.

2003 J.W. Arntzen, D.K. Molokomme, E.M. Terry, N. Moleele, O. Tshosa and D. Mazambani. Main Findings of the Review of Community-Based Natural Resource Management in Botswana. CBNRM Support Network Occasional Papers No. 14, Gaborone (Free download: ).

2003 J.W. Arntzen. An Economic View on Wildlife Management Areas in Botswana. CBNRM Support Network Occasional Papers No.10. Gaborone. (Free download: ).

2008 Centre for Applied Research. Review of Botswana’s Wildlife Conservation Policy and the Wildlife Conservation and National Parks Act (Volume 1-3). Report prepared for the Department of Wildlife and National Parks and the ESP-UNDP/GoB.

2008 Centre for Applied Research. Environmental Impacts Assessment of the Jwaneng sewerage up-grading project. Report the the Jwaneng Town Council.

2008 Econsult and CAR. Botswana Human Development report. Report for the UNDP and Government of Botswana.

2008 CAR, IWSD (Harare) and TIDASA (South Africa). Report on Professional Training Course strategy for Waternet. Report for Waternet, Harare.

2008 J.W. Arntzen. The indirect use value of the Okavango Delta. Paper presented at the 9th Waternet Symposium, October 2008, Johannesburg.

2008 J.W. Arntzen, S. Cottrell and P. Pearce. Tourism as an income earner. Botswana Notes and records, 39, 1-328.

2007 J.W Arntzen, T. Setlhogile and J. Barnes. Rural livelihood, poverty reduction and food security in southern Africa: is community-based natural resources management the answer? (IUCN and USAID Frame )

2007 Centre for Applied Research. Community-based Resource Management, Rural Livelihoods and Environmental Sustainability. (USAID Frame )

2007 Centre for Applied Research and DEA. Botswana livestock accounts (1980-2003). Report prepared for the Department of Environmental Affairs.

2006 J. Turpie, J. Barnes, J.W. Arntzen, B. Nhrerera, G.M. Lange and B. Buzwani. Economic valuation of the Okavango Delta and implications for management. IUCN and Department of Environmental Affairs, Gaborone.

2006 Centre for Applied Research and Global Consult. Report on Organisation Review of Three Departments in the Ministry of Environment, Wildlife and Tourism.

2006 Centre for Applied Research. Best practices for management of natural resources by communities. Report prepared for ESP and DEA.

2006 DEA and Centre for Applied Research. Water accounts in Botswana. Government of Botswana.

2006 Centre for Applied Research. Poverty and social impacts assessment of Botswana’s livestock sector, wildlife and natural resource management. Final report prepared for the Government of Botswana.

2006 Centre for Applied Research. Environmental assessment of Botswana’s livestock sector, wildlife and natural resource management. Final report prepared for the Government of Botswana.

2006 Centre for Applied Research. Waste water and water accounting in Botswana; from disposal to optimal use. Report prepared for WARFSA, Zimbabwe.

2006 Centre for Applied Research. Case studies on successful southern African NRM initiatives and their impacts on poverty and governance; country study of Botswana. USAID Frame (View here )

2006 B. Jones, J.W Arntzen and other contributors. Case studies on successful southern African NRM initiatives and their impacts on poverty and governance: synthesis report. (IRG for USAID Frame )

2011 Setlhogile,T. C.Mabiza, J.Arntzen and R.Mano). Economic valuation of selected direct and indirect use values of the Makgadikgadi wetland system, Botswana. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 36, 14-15,1071-1077.

2011 Centre for Applied Research. Feasibility Study to Establish the Potential of Farm 84-OQ (North-East District) near Ntimbale Dam for Commercial Tourism. Report prepared for Botswana Tourism Organisation.

2011 Centre for Applied Research. Final report on Green Paper for Human Wildlife Co-existence in Botswana. Report prepared for Department of Wildlife and National Parks.

2011 Setlhogile,T, J.Arntzen,C.Mabiza & R.Mano. Economic valuation of selected direct and indirect use values of the Makgadikgadi wetland system, Botswana.

2011 T. Setlhogile, P. Ruthenberg, J.W Arntzen and T. Meshack. Scoping Exercise – The nexus for Development of IWRM-WE Plan: The Botswana Experience. The paper was presented at the 12th WaterNet/ WARFSA/GWP-SA Symposium, Maputo, Mozambique, 27-29th of October 2011.

2011 Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 3 6 (2011), pp1071-1077.

2010 J.W. Arntzen, P. Ruthenberg, P. Kgomotso and T. Setlhogile. Issues and options regarding resource allocation and benefit sharing of shared watercourses in the SADC region. Paper presented at 11th Waternet-WARFSA-GWP Symposium, Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe.

2010 T. Setlhogile, J.W. Arntzen, R. Mano and C. Mabiza. Economic valuation of selected direct and indirect use values of the Makgadikgadi wetland system, Botswana. Paper presented at 11th Waternet-WARFSA-GWP Symposium, Vctoria Falls, Zimbabwe

2010 Centre for Applied Research & Department of Environmental Affairs. Makgadikgadi Framework Management Plan. Vol 1 (main report) and vol. 2 (technical reports). Report prepared for the Dep. Of Environmental Affairs.

2010 Centre for Applied Research, Ecosurv and Geoflux. Environmental and Socio-economic Impact Assessment of the Zambezi Integrated Agro-Commercial Development Project (vls 1-3). Prepared for TAHAL and the Ministry of Agriculture.

2009 Centre for Applied Research. Case studies in environmental economics. Compendium prepared for introductory course into environmental economics.

2009 J.W. Arntzen and P. Ruthenberg. Guidelines & procedures: funding requirements and mechanisms for Southern African Transboundary River basin Organisations. Report prepared for USAID and SADC.

2009 J.W. Arntzen, P. Ruthenberg and P. Kgomotso. Guidelines & procedures: Resource allocation and benefit sharing in Transboundary River Basins. Report prepared for USAID and SADC

2009 Centre for Applied Research. Development of Ecotourism guidelines for Botswana’s Forest Reserves.

2014 (with J.Hoogeveen and L. Peiser). Synthesis of the water audit of the Cubango-Okavango River Basin. FAO, Rome Italy.

2014 Centre for Applied Research and Department of Water Affairs. SEEA water for Botswana: Detailed accounts for 2010-11 and 2011-12 and General Trends 1993-2010. WAVES, Government of Botswana and World Bank. (WAVES: and Water Affairs: ).

2014 Centre for Applied Research and Dep. of Water Affairs. Policy brief: Sustainable, equitable and productive use of water through water accounting (WAVES:)

2013 J.W. Arntzen, L. Peisner and J. Hoogeveen. Synthesis of the water audit of the Cubango-Okavango River Basin. FAO OKACOM. (Available from FAO: and OKACOM: as well as our website ).

2012 (with S. Forman and N. Morgan). Livestock competitiveness, economic growth and opportunities for job creation in Namibia. Policy Note prepared by the World Bank for the National Planning Commission, Government of Namibia.

2013 Centre for Applied Research and Department of Water Affairs. SEEA water for Botswana: Detailed accounts for 2010-11 and 2011-12 and General Trends 1993-2010. WAVES, Government of Botswana and World Bank.

2013 Centre for Applied Research. Forest Conservation Strategy for Forest Conservation Botswana.

2013 Centre for Applied Research. Assessment of the implementation of the regional water strategy in Botswana. Country report prepared for the Global water Partnership Southern Africa.

2013 Centre for Applied Research. Financing Water Resources Management and Development. Country report prepared for the Global water Partnership Southern Africa.

2013 Centre for Applied Research & Aurecon. Botswana Integrated Water Resources Management – Water Efficiency Plan. Department of water Affairs.

2013 Centre for Applied Research. Scoping report for the state of waste management in and around Gaborone. Report prepared for the Japanese government.

2012 Centre for Applied Research & Dep. of Water Affairs. Preliminary findings of the WAVES water accounting activities. Report prepared for Botswana Economic Advisory Council.

2012 Centre for Applied Research. The Transformation towards a Green Economy in the Small State of Botswana. Report prepared for the Commonwealth Secretariat. Also book chapter in Commonwealth book Transitioning towards a Green Economy.

2012 Centre for Applied Research. Basin-wide report on institutional mapping in the Cubango-Okavango River Basin. Prepared for OKACOM and FAO.

2012 Centre for Applied Research. Basin-wide report on water demand in the Cubango-Okavango River Basin. Prepared for OKACOM and FAO.

2012 Centre for Applied Research with J. Barnes and G. Manase. Basin-wide report on water economics and irrigation in the Cubango-Okavango River Basin. Prepared for OKACOM and FAO.

2012 (with S.Forman and N.Morgan). Livestock competitiveness, economic growth and opportunities for job creation in Namibia. Policy Note prepared for the NPC, Government of Namibia.

2017 CAR, Statistics Netherland and Dep. Of Energy. Botswana energy Accounts 2010-11 to 2015-16.

2017 Arntzen,J. T.Setlhogile and C.vanderPost. The economic value of range and forest resources in Botswana. Report to JICA and DFRR.

2017 Arntzen,J. And T.Setlhogile. Towards and Water Allocation Strategy for the Cubango Okavango River Basin. Phase 1 and phase 2 reports.

2016 CAR, 2016 Review of Community Based Natural Resources Management in Botswana. Report for SAREP and USAID.

2016 Arntzen J. Makgadikgadi Wetlands (Botswana): Planning for Sustainable Use and Conservation. In: Finlayson CM, Davidson NC, Milton GR, Prentice C (Eds.). The Wetland Book: Distribution, Description and Conservation. Springer, Dordrecht.

2016 (with R. Hoekstra and Dep. Of Energy). Energy Accounts for Botswana. Government of Botswana and World Bank under the WAVES programme.

2015 CAR and Dep. Of Water Affairs. Botswana 2015 Water Accounts. WAVES, Government of Botswana and World Bank.

2015 CAR, Scanning study- Water Pricing, Poverty and Equity in Southern Africa. Report prepared for SIWI and WRC-South Africa.

2015 CAR & Dep. Of Water Affairs. Botswana Water Accounts 2013-2014. WAVES, Government of Botswana and World Bank.

2015 CAR. Towards and Water Allocation Strategy for the Cubango Okavango River Basin. Paper prepared for and presented to OKACOM

2015 Centre for Applied Research. Evaluation of Human Development Capacity Measures of the Transboundary Water Management Programme in SADC. Report prepared for GIZ and SADC.

2015 Centre for Applied Research and Dep. of Water Affairs (2015). Policy brief on mining and water resources (WAVES: ).

2020 CAR and Hatfield. Mitigation of the impacts of Cyclone Idai on Mozambique and Zimbabwe with special reference to the Buzi, Pungwe and Save transboundary river basins. Report for Resilient Waters Program.

2020 CAR and Hatfield. The impacts of Cyclone Idai on Mozambique and Zimbabwe with special reference to the Buzi, Pungwe and Save transboundary river basins. Report for Resilient Waters Program.

2019 CAR. Environmental cost analysis for Morupule South Coal Project. Report prepared for Ecosurv as part of the EIA for the planned coal mine.

2019 CAR and Econsult. Estimating the level of economic activities in Botswana through night light data.

2019 CAR and Econsult. Wilderness Safaris’ contribution to the national and local economy of Botswana. Report prepared for Wilderness Holdings.

2018 Hatfield and CAR. Assessment of the National Infrastructure, Capacity and Legislation for the Management of Mercury in Botswana.

2018 Kelebang,K. T.Setlhogile & J.Arntzen. The value of forest and range resources for poverty reduction, economic diversification and trade. Centre for Applied Research.

2018 Kelebang,K. T.Setlhogile & J.Arntzen. Exploration of the potential of niche markets for Botswana. Centre for Applied Research.

2018 Kelebang,B., T.Setlhogile & J.Arntzen. Analysis of new water rights’ applications in Botswana (2002-2018). Centre for Applied Research.