header image of Kubu Island

A selection of publications published by or with the Centre are displayed below. To view and download a publication please click on the link () icon.

The documents available for download have been listed per year below, click on the years to view the documents.

CBNRM Network Paper No. 10

CBNRM Support Programme, Occasional Paper No. 10: An Economic view on wildlife areas in Botswana.

Final report CBNRM Review – Volume 1

Final Report of the Review of Community Based Natural Resource Management in Botswana. Volume 1. Study for the Botswana CBNRM Forum.

Final report CBNRM Review – Volume 2

Final Report of the Review of Community Based Natural Resource Management in Botswana – Volume 2: Appendices.

Groundwater and water accounts in southern Africa

Groundwater and Water Accounting in Southern Africa within the Perspective of Global Climate Change.

Summary main findings CBNRM review Botswana

Main Findings of the Review of CBNRM in Botswana. CBNRM Support Programme, Occasional paper No.14.


Incorporation of Water Demand Management in National and Region Water Policies and Strategies. Report for IUCN South Africa. Regional WDM study Phase 2.

Community based rangeland management

Review of institutional and legal arrangements for community based management of rangelands in Botswana. IVP programme (UNDP/GoB).

Global change and food provision in southern Africa

Global environmental change and food provision in Southern Africa: Exploration for a possible GECAFS research project in Southern Africa.

Okavango livelihoods report

Scoping report ‘Livelihoods and Biodiversity in the Okavango Delta’, Botswana.

Botswana livestock crop report

Crop-Livestock systems development in Southern Africa: priorities for future research. Botswana country report.

Botswana water report

Botswana country water report for UNECA.

Botswana waste water accounts

Mainstreaming waste water through water accounting: the example of Botswana. Based on research funded by START.

Botswana CBNRM case study

Case study of the CBNRM programme in Botswana. Study for IUCN-South Africa and USAID-Frame.

Land and range resources management plan

Land Use and Community Rangeland Resources Management Plan prepared for the Mokopi Conservation Trust. IVP programme.

Economic valuation of the Okavango delta

Final report on the economic value of the Okavango Delta. Parts of the ODMP. IUCN/DEA.

Botswana water accounts

Report Water Accounts Botswana. Prepared for the Department of Environmental Affairs.

Best practices in CBNRM in Botswana

Best Practices in Botswana for the Management of Natural Resources by Communities. CBNRM Support Network Occasional paper No. 17, Gaborone. Environmental Support Programme (UNDP/GoB)

CBNRM, livelihoods and environmental sustainability Botswana report

Community-Based Resource Management, Rural Livelihoods, and Environmental Sustainability.

Natural resource management and people

Natural Resources Management and People. CBNRM Support Network Occasional paper No 15. Gaborone

Mineral accounts Botswana

Report Mineral Accounts Botswana. Prepared for and with the Department of Environmental Affairs.

Final report funding of SADC shared River Basin Organisations

Report on financial requirements of RBOs in the SADC region carried out as part of the ARD-USAID IRBM project.

Final report Resource Allocation & Benefit Sharing in SADC Shared River Basins

Report on resource allocation and benefit sharing issues & mechanisms in the SADC region carried out as part of the ARD-USAID IRBM project.

Financing SADC RBOs

Paper presented at 10th Watenet-GWP Symposium, Uganda.

Guidelines ecotourism development in Forest Reserves

Final report submitted to DFRR, prepared under ESP programme.

Economic use values of Makgadikgadi

IWRM Masters dissertation for University of Zimbabwe by Tshepo Setlhogile.

Enhancing environmental sustainability in NDP 10 implementation

Policy note on environmental mainstreaming by the World Bank (with CAR participation) for the Botswana government.

> Botswana climate variability & change

Policy note on the risks of climate variability and change prepared by the World Bank (with CAR participation) for the Botswana government.

Conservation & Environment cover (Version 3.0)

Cover for educational profile Conservation & Environment.

Conservation & Environment profile (Version 3.0)

Contents of educational profile Conservation & Environment.

Economic valuation of of selected wetland uses in Makgadikgadi

Paper presented at 11th Waternet-GWP Symposium, Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe.

IWRM-WE Botswana scoping report

Scoping report prepared for KCS and Botswana IWRM-WE project.

Resource allocation & benefit sharing for SADC RBOs

Paper presented at 11th Waternet-GWP Symposium, Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe.

Final Capacity Building Report

SADC-EU-GTZ-EGIS Water Accounting Project – Final Capacity Building Report.

Final Methodologies Report

SADC-EU-GTZ-EGIS Water Accounting Project – Final Methodologies Report.

Final TNA Report

SADC-EU-GTZ-EGIS Water Accounting Project – Final TNA Report.

Final Training Manual

SADC-EU-GTZ-EGIS Water Accounting Project – Final Training Manual.

MFMP Vol 1 Main report

DEA – CAR Makgadikgadi Framework Management Plan, Volume 1.

MFMP Vol 2 Chapter 1; Introduction

Makgadikgadi Framework Management Plan Volume 2 Chapter 1; Introduction

MFMP Vol 2 Chapter 2; Value

Makgadikgadi Framework Management Plan Volume 2 Chapter 2; The economic value of the MFMP area.

MFMP Vol 2 Chapter 3; Tourism & Heritage development

Makgadikgadi Framework Management Plan Volume 2 Chapter 3; Tourism & Heritage development.

MFMP Vol 2 Chapter 4 Ecology & Hydrogeology

Makgadikgadi Framework Management Plan Volume 2 Chapter 4; Ecology & Hydrogeology.

MFMP Vol 2 Chapter 5; Wildlife Resources and Human Wildlife Conflict

Makgadikgadi Framework Management Plan Volume 2 Chapter 5; Wildlife Resources and Human Wildlife Conflict.

MFMP Vol 2 Chapter 6; Policy framework

Makgadikgadi Framework Management Plan Volume 2 Chapter 6; Policy framework of the MFMP area.

MFMP Vol 2 Chapter 7; Land use

Makgadikgadi Framework Management Plan Volume 2 Chapter 7; Land use.

MFMP Vol 2 Chapter 8; Hydrogeology

Makgadikgadi Framework Management Plan Volume 2 Chapter 8; Hydrogeology.

MFMP Vol 2 Chapter 9; Archaeology & Heritage

Makgadikgadi Framework Management Plan Volume 2 Chapter 9; Archaeology & Heritage.

MFMP Vol 2 Chapter 10; Tourism management models

Makgadikgadi Framework Management Plan Volume 2 Chapter 10; Tourism management models.

MFMP Vol 2 Chapter 11; Range Ecology

Makgadikgadi Framework Management Plan Volume 2 Chapter 11; Range Ecology.

Botswana SEEA water report

Report on the Botswana SEEA water accounts 2010-12 prepared for the World Bank WAVES programme ().

Botswana Policy Brief WA

Policy brief prepared for water resource management and development planners on findings of water accounting.

Water Resource Management Areas options figures

Paper discussing options for decentralised Water Resource Management Areas (WARMA) in Botswana.

Scoping report Ecosystem Accountig Botswana

Report outlining the work to be done to develop ecosystem accounts in Botswana.

Policy Brief WR

Policy brief on water use in Botswana’s irrigation sector.

Botswana Policy Brief mining & water

Policy brief on water use and management issues in Botswana’s mining sector.

Botswana Water Policy Brief 2013

Policy brief prepared under the WAVES Botswana programme

Political Economy of Transformations to a Green Economy in Botswana

The study analyses the on-going efforts, challenges and opportunities to achieve a Green Economy in Botswana.

Economic valuation of selected use values of the Makgadikgadi wetland system, Botswana.

Economic valuation of selected direct and indirect use values of the Makgadikgadi wetland system, Botswana.

Waste situation analysis greater Gaborone

Scoping report for the state of waste management in and around Gaborone.

Botswana IWRM & WE Plan Vol 1 & 2

Report prepared by Centre for Applied Research and Aurecon for Department of Water Affairs and Kalahari Conservation Society.

Valuation of Forest Range Resources in Botswana

Economic Valuation of Forest and Range Resources in Botswana.

Botswana CBNRM 2016 Review

Report on the 2016 status of CBNRM projects in Botswana under the USAID funded SAREP.

Policy brief water governance Botswana

Policy brief on Water Governance in Botswana.

Policy Brief Water Resources

Policy brief on water use in Botswana’s livestock and arable sectors under the WAVES programme.

Discussion paper WAS – CORB

Discussion paper for the Water Allocation Strategy for the Cubango Okavango River basin.

Case study water supply and risks BMC

Report of case study on the impacts of water supply interruptions on the private sector: a pilot study of the Botswana Meat Commission.

Botswana WA report 2015

The second Botswana SEEA Water report.

Report with options for Water Resource Management Areas options note

Report with WaRMA options for decentralised water resource management and water accounting .

Botswana WA report 14-15

The third Botswana SEAA water accounting report with up-dates to 2014-15 under the World Bank WAVES partnership programme.

Mitigation Assessment of Cyclone Idai

Mitigation of the impacts of Cyclone Idai in the Bupusa transboundary basins of Mozambique and Zimbabwe.

Impact Assessment of Cyclone Idai

The impacts of Cyclone Idai in the Bupusa transboundary basins in Mozambique and Zimbabwe.

Botswana economic Activity and Nightlights

Estimating the level of economic activities in botswana through nightlight data.

Botswana water rights application report

Analysis of new water rights applications in Botswana (2002-2018).

Forest – Range Resources Policy brief

The Value of Forest and Range Resources for Livelihoods, Poverty Reduction and Local Economic Development.

Niche market potential paper

An exploration of the potential of niche markets for Botswana.

Final FRR poverty – Diversification – Trade report 03.09.2018

The value of forest and range resources for poverty reduction, economic diversification and trade.

Natural Capital Accounts Policy Implications

Presentation Tshepo Setlhogile at the Natural capital accounting stakeholder workshop.

Water Rights Applications in Botswana (2002-2020)

Analysis of Water Rights Applications in Botswana (2002-2020)

Executive brief Final Idai report Jan 21

Cyclone Idai in the BuPuSa transboundary basins of Mozambique and Zimbabwe: Building community resilience.

Summary final Idai project report Jan 21

Cyclone Idai in the BuPuSa transboundary basins of Mozambique and Zimbabwe: Impacts, mitigation, prevention, preparedness & community resilience.

Final report Idai project Jan 21

Final report – Cyclone Idai in the BuPuSa transboundary basins of Mozambique and Zimbabwe: Impacts, mitigation & community resilience.

Water Demand Management (WDM)

WDM (Bibliography)
WDM (Field study)
WDM (Introduction)
WDM (Unit 1)
WDM (Unit 2)
WDM (Unit 3)
WDM (Unit 4)

Introduction into Environmental Economics

Course book environmental economics.
Compendium environmental economic case studies – 2009

WaterNet short course Financing of Water Infrastructure in SADC

SWOT analysis framework for water infrastructure financing in SADC
Water sector regulation and organisational mandates in IWRM
Optimising finance sources
Trends in financing of water infrastructure
Multicriteria analysis
IWRM synopsis and water infrastructure
Cost benefit assessment
Financing beyond the 3 Ts


WA presentation
WA Special Session Summary 2016


AU WRM-PAP presentation
Botswana WA presentation
GDSA Presentation
Madagascar presentation English
Namibia WA presentation
Opening remarks
Rwanda WA presentation
SADC WA Presentation
WAVES WA Powerpoint