Assessment of the relationship between rainfall and livestock and crop production (1980-2020). This is a CAR funded project.
Author: admin
Assessing the use of ‘nighlights’ as an indicator of economic activity (on-going)
Study of potential of veld-products for poverty reduction, economic diversification
Economic valuation of veld products in Botswana
CAR is carrying out an ‘Economic valuation of veld products in Botswana’ for the Dep. Of Forestry and Range Resources and JICA. It includes surveys in 6 villages through Botswana and desk top analysis. The expected completion date is December 2017.
Botswana National Strategy on Sustainable Development
Scoping mission for WAVES Zambia programme
Jaap Arntzen participates in the second project preparation mission (February 2017) to develop the WAVES programme in Zambia. Zambia is a new partner country under the Wealth Accounting and Valuation of Ecosystem Services Programme (WAVES). Botswana, Madagascar and Rwanda are the other African WAVES partnership countries.